AP Courses / Dual Enrollment
AP/Honors Contact Information Chart: Includes teachers, courses, emails, google join codes (if using), and summer assignment information. If you are a new student to the district you won't be able to access Google classroom; therefore, you will have to email your teacher for the summer assignment.
Ripon High offers the following AP, Dial Enrollment, and Honors courses:
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus
- AP Computer Science A
- AP English Language
- AP English Literature
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Government
- AP Human Geography
- AP Music Theory
- AP Physics
- AP Pre Calculus
- AP Spanish Language
- AP Spanish Literature
- AP Statistics
- AP World History
- US History (MJC US History 101 Fall/ US History 102 Spring)
- Biology Honors
- English I Honors
- English II Honors
- Math I Honors
- Math II Honors
- Math III Honors
AP examinations are administered during a two-week period in May
Colleges and universities accept credit or placement for passing scores on AP examinations